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Summer Safety

Does summertime have you thinking about getting outdoors, traveling, and soaking up some warm rays? Every June, the National Safety Council (NSC) celebrates National Safety Month. We’ve highlighted a few safety tips from the NSC to help keep you in tip-top shape all season. 

Stay safe in the heat. Educate yourself on the signs of heat-related illnesses. Stay cool with the following:

posted: June 04, 2024

Get in the Game: Health Experts Push to Make America a Healthier Nation

In recognition of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, join CHP in highlighting Active People, Healthy Nation, a national initiative led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help 27 million Americans become more physically active by 2027.  

posted: May 02, 2024

Empowering Asthma Awareness: Managing a Chronic Condition for Better Health

Take a deep breath—and know that over 1.5 million Floridians struggle to do it each day because they have asthma. Throughout this month, Capital Health Plan is joining the American Lung Association to highlight this widespread respiratory condition during Asthma Awareness Month.

posted: May 02, 2024

Thriving Through Turbulence: 8 Ways to Relieve Stress

Life can certainly be challenging. Coping with everyday stress can seem overwhelming and cause feelings of sadness or anger, difficulty concentrating, and even physical symptoms such as trouble sleeping, headaches, and changes in appetite. Learning how to cope in healthy ways can make all the difference.

April is Stress Awareness Month, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has outlined eight healthy strategies to become more resilient to life’s stressors:

posted: April 03, 2024

Unlocking Parkinson's: A Journey Through Progress, Challenges, and Hope

April is Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month, a time to highlight the progress and challenges of the degenerative condition that affects at least 500,000 Americans. April was the birth month of James Parkinson, the English surgeon and paleontologist who first identified the symptoms of the disease over 200 years ago. Although there is currently no cure, research is ongoing, and medications and surgery offer improvement in symptoms. 

posted: March 29, 2024

Unlocking the Power of Kidneys: Marching Toward Awareness During American Kidney Month

March is National Kidney Month! Did you know that 1 in 3 American adults is at risk for kidney disease – and 37 million actually have it? Alarmingly, most of those 37 million American adults don’t know it.

Our kidneys are powerhouses for our body. They regulate fluid levels, activate Vitamin D, filter out waste, direct the production of red blood cells, regulate blood pressure, and keep minerals and pH in balance.

posted: March 01, 2024

Fueling Wellness: What You Need to Know About the FDA’S Dietary Guidelines

Capital Health Plan joins the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in recognizing March as National Nutrition Month! The FDA outlined its initiative for this year’s recognition to include sodium reduction, maternal and infant nutrition, labeling, and consumer education.

posted: March 01, 2024

Preventive Care

“I feel fine. I see a doctor when I’m sick. Why do I need a primary care doctor?”

Reactive health care can lead to issues you didn’t know you had and can keep you from living life at your healthiest. Instead of being reactive, be proactive!

posted: February 05, 2024

Heart Health

February brings us Valentine’s Day, an annual ritual for lovers everywhere, dedicated to matters of the heart. But in a very different way, the entire month is devoted to matters of the heart designed to keep us healthy and alive. It’s American Hearth Month, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has outlined 7 Strategies to Live a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle.

posted: February 05, 2024

Walk With a Doc: Falls Prevention

Dr. Lynn JonesCascades Park1001 S Gadsden Street

posted: January 16, 2024
