Summer Safety

Does summertime have you thinking about getting outdoors, traveling, and soaking up some warm rays? Every June, the National Safety Council (NSC) celebrates National Safety Month. We’ve highlighted a few safety tips from the NSC to help keep you in tip-top shape all season. 

Stay safe in the heat. Educate yourself on the signs of heat-related illnesses. Stay cool with the following:

  • Seek air conditioning.
  • Drink fluids, even if you don’t feel particularly thirsty. Avoid alcohol. 
  • Wear lightweight clothing and a hat when outdoors.
  • Sunburn can affect your ability to cool off, so use sunscreen generously and frequently. 
  • Pace yourself in the heat and try to avoid strenuous activity during the hottest part of the day, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Don’t let the bugs bite! Protect yourself and those you love from biting insects. Consider the following:

  • Use an EPA-registered insect repellant.
  • To protect infants and children, dress them in loose clothing that covers their arms and legs. Consider covering strollers with mosquito netting and use repellants approved for their age. 
  • Go indoors or in a screened room as available whenever biting bugs are swarming.
  • Shower and search for ticks after walking or playing in outdoor areas, especially grassy ones.
  • Seek medical attention if needed after being bitten.

Be safe in the water. According to the NSC, 10 people die every day from non-boat-related drownings. Don’t become a statistic!

  • Avoid going into the water unless you know how to swim. Consider swimming lessons. 
  • There is safety in numbers, so don’t swim alone. Preferably, swim where a lifeguard is on duty. 
  • Play nice in the water. Don’t push or jump on others.
  • Don’t mix swimming with alcohol.
  • Look out for others. Know CPR and rescue techniques.

Travel with safety on your mind. 

  • Prepare your car for travel and keep an emergency kit with you.
  • Drive free from distractions, mind-altering substances, and drowsiness. Be defensive, not aggressive, on the road.
  • Practice food safety by packing, preparing, and storing food while traveling. Don’t forget to clean your hands!
  • Stay alert in unfamiliar surroundings. Know where you are and where you’re going. Watch where you step, whether indoors or outdoors.

Follow these tips, and you can stay safe this summer while having fun. For more information, go to

Sourced By: Healthwise
Reviewed By: Capital Health Plan Physicians Group
Posted: June 4, 2024