Feeling Your Best: Vaccines, Virus Prevention, and CHP’S Walk With a Doc

Are you up to date on your vaccinations? They’re the best way to protect yourself and others from catching and spreading certain diseases. Most of the time, there are no medical treatments for infectious diseases, so getting vaccinated may save your life.

Vaccinations are key to preventing, or at least minimizing, viral outbreaks. One good example is the COVID-19 vaccine, a response to the most prominent viral outbreak in recent memory. While there is no cure for the disease, widely available vaccines have reduced its impact. But don’t stop there – it’s vital to be vaccinated against many other diseases, including influenza, HPV, and pneumonia. Consulting with your doctor and remaining up to speed on essential vaccinations can save lives.

Getting vaccinated against these dangerous viruses helps communities and the greater public stay healthy. For instance, people with weak immune systems may not be able to receive or respond to vaccinations, and they depend on others to get vaccinated in order to reduce their own chances of catching an illness.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) evaluates vaccines and ensures their safety, and in the case of these vaccines authorities have determined that the risk of severe complications from a disease poses a far greater risk than the vaccines. Vaccines have been proven to be safe, reliable, and a major component of staying healthy, and it seems most Florida parents recognize this – in 2020, 86% of 2-year-old children in the state were fully immunized and received their basic immunization series (FL Health Charts).

In addition to getting vaccinated, there are countless other ways Floridians can stay healthy. These include engaging in physical activity, socializing, and spending time outside. Capital Health Plan’s “Walk With a Doc” event combines these three components to encourage healthy lifestyle behaviors.

At these events, a health care provider discusses a relevant health care topic, and then the occasion transitions to an hour-long walk. Anyone can participate and go at any pace and distance they choose during the walk. At “Walk With a Doc,” you can immerse yourself in nature, engage in fun and enlightening conversations, and strengthen your overall health.

There are many ways to prioritize yourself and your health. From staying current on your vaccinations to taking the time to stay active, CHP is here to support you every step of the way. Visit capitalhealth.com for more information about vaccines, viruses, and participating in a “Walk With a Doc.”

Sourced By: Healthwise
Reviewed By: Capital Health Plan Physicians Group
Posted: September 15, 2023