Advance Care Planning: Securing Your Future Health Care with an Advance Directive

As we go about our lives, it's easy to overlook the possibility of unforeseen health complications or the need for end-of-life care. However, taking the time to engage in advance care planning is a gift to your loved ones in that ensures your wishes are honored and provides peace of mind for both you and your loved ones.

One method of advance care planning is having an advance directive. This is a document that outlines your preferences for medical care in the event that you’re unable to communicate or make decisions for yourself due to a severe injury or illness. It serves as a written expression of your wishes regarding the type of medical care you would like to receive.

There are two common types of advance directives: a living will and a medical power of attorney. Capital Health Plan has chosen to provide our members with Five Wishes, a 12-page advance directive that includes both the medical power of attorney and living will along with other items that become important for your healthcare providers and family to know about. 

There are at least five reasons to use Five Wishes:

  • It’s easy to use:  Five Wishes is written in everyday language.  You check what you do want, cross out what you don’t want and add as much or as little additional direction as you want.  Your own wishes in your own words.
  • It’s comprehensive:  You designate the person you want to make health care decisions for you when you can’t speak for yourself, and you define and specify the kind of life support treatment you would want or not want.  Five Wishes also allows you to describe how comfortable you want to be; how you want people to treat you; and what you want your loved ones to know.  You can also change it as your situation or thinking changes.  For those whose first language is not English, Five Wishes is available in 30 other languages (bilingual).
  • It helps guide the discussion:  Five Wishes also helps start and structure the often difficult discussions about uncomfortable topics.  The focus of discussion is on protecting your dignity, comfort and your personal, spiritual and family concerns. 
  • It’s a legal document:  Your completed, signed and properly witnessed Five Wishes meets all Florida legal requirements for durable power of attorney for health care (Wish 1) and living will (Wish 2).  And when you give copies of your completed form to others, such as your physician, family and caregivers, it gives them a more complete picture of all your desires.
  • It brings peace of mind:  When you complete your Five Wishes, you’ve truly given a gift to yourself and others.  With Five Wishes, everybody’s on the same page.  Nobody has to guess and second-guess because you’ve already clearly stated your wishes.  Guilty feelings and stressful family conflict are avoided.  Should the seriously ill person pass away, the family is consoled in that they knew and honored their loved ones wishes to the very end.

It's significant to note that you have the flexibility to modify or revoke a living will at any time. Additionally, an advance directive will become effective only if you reach a point where you are no longer competent to make or communicate your health care decisions. To ensure accurate understanding and implementation of your wishes, it’s a good idea to share copies of your living will with your health care professional and discuss its directives with your family members.

To get your copy of Five Wishes, contact CHP’s Health Information Line at (850) 383-3400.

Sourced By: Healthwise
Reviewed By: Capital Health Plan Physicians Group