FAQ How do I add eligible dependents to my policy
How do I add eligible dependents to my policy?
Find the answer you're looking for when you need quick help regarding dependent care.
How do I add eligible dependents to my policy?
How does the Delta Dental benefit and claim system work for my pediatric dental coverage?
How do I cancel my Away From Home Care® policy?
Once enrolled in Away From Home Care® how long can an individual stay enrolled? Does enrollment in Away From Home Care need to be renewed and if so, how often?
What areas are covered with Away From Home Care®?
Can I cover a dependent who lives out of state or is away at school?
How long can a child be covered if he/she has disabilities?
How long can my child(ren) remain covered on my policy?
How do I remove dependents from my policy?
By clicking on this link you will be leaving the Capital Health Plan Medicare Advantage (HMO) information.