March: Colon Cancer Awareness Month

Colorectal cancer is a cancer that effect the colon or rectum and is one of the most common cancers in America. For 2023, the American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates that 153,020 Americans people will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer and 52,550 people will die from the disease. Historically, colon cancer has been the third most common cancer in men and women, and it remains so today. And, most unfortunately, it is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S., which is tragic since most of those cancers could be prevented.

Because March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness month, there’s no better time to help educate our community about the disease and shed light on why screenings — which many people avoid — are so very important.

While you may already be aware of the importance of colon cancer screening, you may be among the large number of Americans who avoid screenings anyway. According to research by the American Cancer Society, some of the top reasons people avoid getting tested include: hearing the test was difficult or painful; concerns about the cost of the test; and the thought that they don’t have to get tested because there is no family history.

These concerns are largely unfounded though. For instance, most colon cancers are found in people who have no family history. And, while the idea of a colonoscopy may be a little uncomfortable, the actual procedure is not, and the life-saving benefits are very real. Also, most insurance companies, including Capital Health Plan, cover the cost of a screening test entirely. Some people decide to do stool testing for screening, and while that is acceptable, colonoscopy is only test that can prevent cancer.

Even if you don’t have a high-risk factor such as family history, personal history of ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, having received radiation to the abdomen or pelvic area, or a history of other types of cancer, you are still at risk of contracting colon cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends screening for all people beginning at age 45 and, if you are at increased risk, you would start sooner. Following this guideline can save your life.

During March the national media and Capital Heath Plan will to draw much-needed attention to colon cancer and generate conversation about what steps people can take to be proactive in their health and prevent the development of cancer.

Colon cancer can be a silent killer; according to the American Cancer Society, once you begin to feel the symptoms of colorectal cancer, it’s often very advanced and more difficult to effectively treat. However, if colorectal cancer is detected early on, the survival rate is actually 90 percent. This is why it’s so critical to take care of yourself and do the screenings.

This March, Capital Health Plan encourages you to take part in Colon Cancer Awareness Month by sharing with friends and family the importance of colon cancer screening and, most importantly, getting yourself screened.