Celebrate Blood Donation

Join Capital Health Plan (CHP) and the American Red Cross as we raise awareness of the need for a safe, stable blood supply and celebrate the contributions of those who donate. 

According to the American Red Cross, just 3 out of 100 people in the U.S. give blood, and donations tend to decline in late spring and early summer. For these reasons, June 14 is recognized as World Blood Donor Day each year.

Consider these facts from the American Red Cross as you consider this vital service:

  • In order to donate, you must be in good health, feel well, be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds, and have not donated whole blood for the last 56 days. These guidelines may vary, and some other conditions may disqualify individuals from donating. Everyone who donates undergoes a confidential registration and interview process. 
  • Blood donation provides an assessment that includes your temperature, hemoglobin level, blood pressure, and pulse. The blood you donate will be sent to a lab for further screening for sickle cell trait, blood type, and infectious diseases. The American Red Cross will not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment – these are the responsibility of your personal health care provider. 
  • The entire process of donating varies, but averages 75 minutes per donation. After the registration and screening, the actual donation takes much less time, about 8-10 minutes. Your red blood cells will then regenerate themselves over the next 4-6 weeks. Any bruising at the site should be minor and heal without treatment. 
  • You can donate whole blood every eight weeks, up to six times per year. Platelets may be donated every week or two. “Power Red” donors may donate three times per year, with 113 days between donations. 
  • You’ll be offered a snack and drink for 10-15 minutes after donating and before resuming your day. This will begin your recovery and rehydration. Keep drinking fluids! After you donate, the recommended amount of (non-alcoholic) liquid you should drink is 32 ounces.
  • You might feel lightheaded after donating, but the feeling should be temporary. Sit or lie down and raise your feet until the feeling passes. If it doesn’t pass, seek medical attention. 
  • You may check your health results and donation record in your online “donor profile.” Share anything you wish with your personal health care provider. 

Donating blood truly is giving the gift of life, so consider joining those who do so. From the American Red Cross website: “Whatever your reason [to donate], the need for blood is constant and you will feel good knowing your donation can help save lives.”

For more information, go to https://www.redcross.org.

Sourced By: Healthwise
Reviewed By: Capital Health Plan Physicians Group
Posted: June 4, 2024