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Tips to get your kids to sleep—so you can too!
It’s normal for kids to have a hard time falling or staying asleep sometimes. But it can be very frustrating for your child and you—especially if it happens often. There isn’t a cure-all or magic fix but there are things you can do to help you and your children have a better night’s sleep.
posted: February 14, 2019
Can you walk your way to a healthier heart?
First, get the go-ahead from your doctor, and then lace up your sneakers and start walking. It’s one of the easiest ways to improve your health. Regular brisk walking can help strengthen your heart, lower your blood pressure, and improve your blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
posted: January 23, 2019
Alert: Flu Season is upon us!!
Here are some tips to help you avoid the flu:
Wash your hands
For how long? Try singing the happy birthday song twice as you wash your hands. Use your paper towel not only to dry your hands but also to turn off the faucet and open the door
Cough and sneeze into your elbow
Flu is spread through moisture droplets which can end up in the air or on your hands after you sneeze or talk.
posted: December 20, 2018
Capital Health Plan Maintains Impressive Streak of Top NCQA Ratings
Tallahassee, Fla. - Capital Health Plan (CHP) today learned that its streak of more than a decade remains intact, as the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) one again has awarded CHP a superior distinction. Each year NCQA rates health plans across the country, and CHP has earned superior distinction since NCQA began comparing and ranking health plans in 2005.
posted: September 27, 2018
Open Enrollment Period
Starting January 1, 2019, there will be an Open Enrollment Period (OEP) that will allow Medicare beneficiaries to make “like plan” changes until March 31, 2019. This is not just an extension of the Medicare Annual Election Period (AEP) which is between October 15th and December 7th each year. The AEP dates remain unchanged.
posted: August 13, 2018
John Mahoney, M.D. – Recipient of the 2018 Outstanding Physician Award
The Capital Medical Society is pleased to announce Dr. John Mahoney as the recipient of this year’s Outstanding Physician Award. This award honors a physician who has been a leader within the field of medicine and political activities while demonstrating clinical excellence, and actively contributing to the education of future medical professionals.
posted: March 06, 2018
Duncan Postma, M.D. – Recipient of the 2018 I.B. Harrison, M.D. Humanitarian Award
The Capital Medical Society is pleased to announce Dr. Duncan Postma as the recipient of this year's I.B. Harrison, M.D. Humanitarian Award. Each year this award is presented to a physician who demonstrates dedication to the humanitarian values we associate with the late Dr. I.B. Harrison. These values include: compassion, service, respect, wisdom and integrity.
posted: March 06, 2018
Capital Health Plan Celebrates 35th Anniversary With Remarkable NCQA Ratings
CHP continues to be recognized as a national leader in quality health care.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Capital Health Plan (CHP) celebrates its 35th anniversary this year with impressive ratings by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). Each year, NCQA rates health plans across the country, bestowing CHP with superior distinction for more than 10 years now.
posted: November 29, 2017
What to Do to Fight the Flu
It’s that time of year again. Your body aches, your throat hurts, the thermometer says you have a fever, and you can’t stop coughing. That’s right, it’s flu season. Influenza is an infection caused by a virus, and while everyone knows it’s no fun being sick, the flu doesn’t have to be the end of the world.
posted: November 01, 2017
Keep Your Heart Healthy and Happy
Heart disease is the leading killer of men and women in the United States. Practicing proper heart health care can seem scary and challenging, but it doesn’t have to be.
World Heart Day is September 29th, and it’s just as good a time as any to take action and make some easy changes now! Take matters into your own hands and educate yourself with some simple tips.
posted: October 03, 2017